Aditya Nugraha



Fresh Graduate

A bachelor of Informatics Engineering from Gunadarma University. I'm a tech enthusiast and hardworking person who always likes and learns something new. I'm currently learning about python with a focus on data science and machine learning, So far I've learned about basic of Convolution Neural Network(CNN), Natural Language Processing(NLP), and Time series. I have 2 months internship experience with achievement of creating LAN network for office space and PC troubleshooting. During my lecture i also developed a travel website as a backend developer using NodeJS and MySQL.

  • Full Name: Aditya Nugraha
  • Year of Birth:
  • Age:
  • Location: Serang City, Indonesia
  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Email:
  • Language: English & Indonesia
  • Job Status: Open to Opportunities


  • Python
  • SQL
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Network
  • PC Troubleshooting
  • Indonesia
  • English



Aditya Nugraha

Fresh Graduate with a bachelor of Informatics Engineering from Gunadarma University with 2 months intern experience as an IT Support. Currently learning about python with a focus on data science and machine learning, also developed a travel website as a backend developer using nodejs and mysql.


Bachelor of Informatics Engineering

2015 - 2021

Gunadarma University, Depok, ID

GPA: 3.48/4.0

High School Diploma of Software Engineering

2013 - 2015

Informatics Vocational High School, Serang City, ID


Public Relations

2017 - 2019

Honda Vario Club Banten, Serang City, ID

Succeeded in developing partnerships with a variety of communities and organizations, including:

  • Honda Community (honda communities around Indonesia that are officially sheltered by AHM)
  • Paguyuban Honda Banten (honda communities throughout Banten which are sheltered by the Honda Community)
  • Dompet Dhuafa Banten (a non-profit organization owned by the Indonesian people who solemnly raises the social dignity of humanity for the poor with ZISWAF funds (Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, Waqf, and other halal and legal funds, from individuals, groups, companies/institutions))

Professional Experience

IT Support Intern

Jul 2014 - Aug 2014

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Banten Regional Office, Serang City, ID

  • Created a network in a new office space
  • Set up PCs and printer until they are ready for use
  • (Non IT) Archiving and managing client's physical documents


IBM - Machine Learning Click for Certificate

31 May 2021 - 23 Jul 2021

Badan Litbang SDM Kementerian Kominfo, Online, ID

  • Memulai Pemrograman dengan Python (Dicoding)
  • Data Analysis with Python (IBM SkillsBuild)
  • Belajar Dasar Visualisasi Data (Dicoding)
  • Data Visualization with Python (IBM SkillsBuild)
  • Elements of AI (University of Helsinki)
  • Belajar Machine Learning untuk Pemula (Dicoding)
  • Belajar Pengembangan Machine Learning(Dicoding)

Cisco - IT Essentials Click for Certificate

15 Apr 2020 - 21 Jun 2020

Badan Litbang SDM Kementerian Kominfo, Online, ID

  • Introduction to the Personal Computer
  • PC Assembly
  • Advanced Computer Hardware
  • Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
  • Networking Concept
  • Applied networking
  • Laptop and Other Mobile Devices
  • Printers
  • Virtualization and Cloud Computing
  • Windows Installation
  • Windows Configuration
  • Mobile, Linux, and OSX Operating System
  • Security
  • The IT Professional


This section will be updated soon.